To the People of Earth

Jan 21, 2024

Jan 21, 2024

Jan 21, 2024


Your keys, your coins, your data. Introducing The Bitcoin Social Network, an opportunity to redefine the digital landscape, and unite around a new system - one which promotes fairness, freedom, and peace for all life on Earth.


Your keys, your coins, your data. Introducing The Bitcoin Social Network, an opportunity to redefine the digital landscape, and unite around a new system - one which promotes fairness, freedom, and peace for all life on Earth.


Your keys, your coins, your data. Introducing The Bitcoin Social Network, an opportunity to redefine the digital landscape, and unite around a new system - one which promotes fairness, freedom, and peace for all life on Earth.

Today marks a turning point in our collective journey. We stand at the threshold of a new era, one which combines the entirety of our past and presents boundless potential of our future. For the past few years, we have navigated through very tumultuous waters of global pandemics, ecological upheavals, economic unpredictabilities, and the complexities of exponential advancements in technology. These accelerating challenges are not only testing our strength as humans, but also awakening a profound realization: the systems and approaches we have long relied upon to organize our day-to-day lives, are in alarming need of change.

The past few years have made us all well aware, the imperfections and fractures in our traditional systems of money, finance, governance, and social networks. As a technologist with an engineering background, the road being paved by technology companies is far from ideal, despite what they convince others of. Which is why I decided to take a different path. I spent my time relentlessly optimistic on finding an alternative route, with the knowledge that even the in the midst of extreme chaos, lies the greatest of opportunities.

The survival of our species, has and always will depend on our ability to avoid unnecessary risks which put everyone in danger, and even go backwards if necessary to find a better path, we do face real systemic problems, and these problems require systemic solutions. That's why, after years of dedicated effort, research, and my own funding, I am proud to introduce a new system-- a system designed not for the status quo of our past, or perhaps even the here and now, but for, the generations to come who to avoid a system designed fully against them.

This new system is a testament to what we can achieve when we integrate the latest technologies with the timeless values and wisdom of our past, empathy for all life, and the foresight to know the dangers which lie ahead. It represents a departure from the cyclical errors made by the technology leaders stuck in the system, offering a path towards a future where humanity can advance peacefully on this planet, united in its diversity of cultures, and strengthened by its collective wisdom across time.

In the coming weeks as the protocol is released, I would love to extend my humble invitation to each and every person on Earth. Join this journey of transformation. Engage with this new system wholeheartedly, contribute your ideas, share your experiences, and take part actively in shaping the world you wish to live in. This is not just a technological revolution; it is a societal evolution-- one that recognizes the interconnectedness of our fates and the power of our united efforts.

Together, we have the opportunity to redefine what the Social Network means to each of us, and create a global community with a greater purpose. We can build a world where decisions are made not solely for the benefit of a few, but for the collective well-being of all. A world where modern technology serves as a tool for empowerment, not control. A world where we, as a human race, can advance in the direction of a future that is not only sustainable but also equitable and fair.

The potential we each hold is infinite, and I really hope the Social Network give everyone their own key to unlocking that potential. Let us embark on this journey with optimism, courage, and a shared commitment to a better world. The future is not just ours to imagine but also ours to create, and I welcome you to the Social Network for Earth.

Bitcoin Talk Thread:

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